An Immersive Deliberation Experience

This training opportunity has been designed to address the common challenges, fears, pitfalls and uncertainties organisations face when they commence a deliberative process.
We can deliver a deliberative engagement process for your organisation to solve a tricky problem. Your staff benefit by experiencing a deliberative process first hand. 
Level: Moderate
Mode: In-house
Prerequisite: Deliberative Engagement
Time: 2+ days
First hand insights through active learning 
Before you commence a deliberative engagement process with your community, prepare your organisation or team a unique insight into what these processes are really about. 

This two-day, mini-deliberation journey provides your people with the skills and knowledge they need to guide the organisation through a deliberative process. By becoming participants, they will gain a deep understanding of deliberative engagement that can only come from first-hand experience.

We work with you to design a tailored deliberative process that is built around a real, internal problem that your staff (the participants) can grapple with. A group of staff then comes together to deliberate over the issue. Supported by MosaicLab facilitators, they agree on a set of recommendations and write a report which they hand over to key, internal decision makers.

This condensed version of a deliberative process (modelled on a real citizens' jury or people's panel) allows your staff to build their capacity through participation.
This training opportunity has been designed to address the common challenges, fears, pitfalls and uncertainties organisations face when they commence a deliberative process. Your staff/organisation will walk away with:
A set of useful recommendations for solving a complex problem that your organisation is grappling with
Invaluable insights that come from participating in a deliberative process (building their capacity to support community participants)
Real experience of deliberative techniques
A comprehensive understanding of what an organisation needs to invest in a deliberative process (e.g. resources, time, information inputs)
An understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with deliberative engagement (and how to address them)
A debrief package/training manual to take away - explaining the intent and rationale of each step in a deliberative process.
Write your awesome label here.
For some deeper insights into the deliberative journey undertaken by Public Libraries Victoria Network and State Library of Victoria staff, check out our blog post here - it includes some valuable tips for organisations considering a process like this for their staff.  
(VIDEO: Public Libraries Victoria Network representatives from across the State came together for an immersive deliberative experience in June 2017. Participants reflect on their learnings after participating in a real, 2-day, deliberative process where they answered the question - "what are the ten best ideas for engaging the community to design transformational library services?")
We are specialised engagement practitioners who design and facilitate engagement processes daily.

We are passionate about sharing our learnings and insights to help contribute to your learning and the practice.